Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Air Asia dah guna e-mail untuk sebar DAKYAH kewajaran pembinaan LCCT-East?


Aku baru sahaja menerima e-mail iklan daripada Syarikat Penerbangan Air-Asia.. Terperanjat aku apabila Air Asia sanggup menyebarkan DAKYAH mengatakan LCCT-East adalah dibina KONONnya untuk RAKYAT.. Malah penghantaran e-mail ini adalah dilihat seperti usaha terdesak Air Asia untuk matlamat mengHALALkan cara.. Apa yang memeranjatkan, seolah-olah Air Asia cuba 'MEMAKSA' rakyat menerima pembinaan LCT-East di Labu walaupun isu ini masih diperbicangkan dan diperDEBATkan di kalangan rakyat.. Anda BACAlah sendiri kandungan e-mail seperti di bawah..

Dear Valued Guest,

We at AirAsia and AirAsia X appreciate your patronage in choosing us for your travel. As a regular user of the Low-Cost Carrier Terminal (LCCT) in Sepang, we have heard your concerns and complaints about the cramped facilities at the LCCT. Many of you may not be aware that the terminal is owned, operated and managed NOT by AirAsia but by Malaysia Airport Holdings Bhd., a government-linked company.

To help serve you even better, AirAsia – together with Sime Darby Bhd. – proposed to the government that we be allowed to construct and operate a new terminal to cater to the airline’s exponential growth. The Cabinet approved our request for the new terminal – KLIA-East, or as we like to call it, The Rakyat’s Terminal – to be located just a short distance from the KLIA Main Terminal. The new terminal in Labu, Negeri Sembilan, is scheduled to be in operation early 2011.

In recent days, the proposed KLIA-East terminal has generated a lot of debates and discussions in the media – print, broadcast and online. We appreciate the fact that almost everyone who has voiced their view agrees that AirAsia needs a new terminal. For us, the staff of the airline, the new terminal is very much a matter of the company’s survival given the number of new aircraft joining our ranks – at least two are being delivered every month – and the growth in passengers, estimated to reach 60 million in 2013.

We would like to appeal for your support in helping us deliver on our promises to you and in making The Rakyat’s Terminal a reality. We have set up a designated web site where we will try and clear misconceptions regarding the project and provide answers to questions you may have regarding KLIA-East. Do drop by and have a look. We would also like to appeal to you to voice out your support for the project – and for lower fares, convenience and a comfortable environment – by writing to the print media, appearing on broadcast media, responding in the online media, especially blogs, and contacting your elected representatives.

For more facts and enquiries on KLIA-East, please log on to or head on over to the blog.

From the 6,500 dedicated and hardworking staff at AirAsia.

Tak tahulah berapa RAMAI antara kita yang BODOH dan tak tahu menggunakan OTAK apabila membaca e-mail seperti di atas.. Rasanya tindakkan sebegini adalah merupakan jalan terakhir oleh Tony Fernandez untuk merayu agar LCCT-East tidak diBATALkan seperti mana cubaan pengambil-alihan IJN oleh Sime Darby yang akhrinya GAGAL akibat bantahan KERAS oleh rakyat.. Adakah Tony Fernandez cuba menggunakan nama RAKYAT demi kepentingan PERIBADInya? SEDAR TAK TONY FERNANDEZ BAHAWA DIA GAGAL MENJELASKAN KEWAJARAN PEMBINAAN LCCT BARU YANG AMAT BERHAMPIRAN DENGAN KLIA? Malah LCCT sedia ada pulak sedang diPERBESARkan oleh pihak Malaysia Airports Holding Berhad (MAB)..

Dengan mengaitkan nama 'RAKYAT' terhadap pertikaian antara Air Asia dengan MAB adalah perbuatan yang sungguh KEJI lagi memalukan.. Tindakkan menghantar e-mail KONONnya untuk memperingatkan rakyat agar SOKONG Air Asia untuk tambang penerbangan murah adalah tindakkan yang BURUK SIKU lagi mengHINA rakyat..

Sedarkah Tony bahawa rakyat bukan BODOH?

Sedarkah Tony bahawa dia GAGAL mengemukakan ALASAN yang BAIK untuk menjelaskan kewajaran pembinaan LCCT baru?

Sedarkah Tony bahawa dia tidak pernah menJAWAB segala soalan tentang sebab-musabab kewajaran LCCT baru dibina berhampiran LCCT sedia ada?

Sedarkah Tony bahawa tidak ada POLISI membina sebuah lapangan terbang hanya untuk sesebuah syarikat penerbangan?

Sedarkah Tony bahawa pemegang saham utama dalam Sime Darby adalah jugak pemegang amanah rakyat yang melaburkan duit mereka menerusi skim ASN. ASB, Amanah Saham Wawasan 2020 dan banyak lagi?

WAJARKAH kita memberi SOKONGAN sedangkan Tony seolah-olah cuba mempermainkan kita sebagai RAKYAT?



  1. Malaysia two million Indians make up less than 8% of the population today but have been the victims of the NEP policy since 1971.

    Today after 51 years of independence, the definition for "Indian" has become a metaphor for backwardness.

    Even though the median family income of Indian Malaysians according to official statistics is higher than that of malays, certain segments of the Indian Malaysians population live in with hardcore poverty and form part of the lowest strata in terms of economic ownership.

    The official statistics show that the national wealth owned by Indians is only 1.2% of traded equity since 1971.

    And according to Hindraf, 15% of Malaysian juvenile delinquents are Indian while 50% of all convicts in prison since 2004 and 41% of beggars in 2003 were Indians.

    The percentage of Indians in the civil service fell from 40% in 1957 to less than 2% in 2005.

    According to official records, 30 to 35 Indians per 100000 commit or attempt to commit suicide annually as compared to 10 to 12 Malaysians per 100000 in 2006.

    In education, the Indians make up less than 5% of the university intake of over 45000 annually.

    The Indians in the country are seeking equality after 51 years of independence and what Malaysia needs now is a sacrifice of the rich and super-rich of all races in staying clear of the NEP to allow the poor of all races to move up and progress.


    The Air Asia ISSUE is not a racial issue. Whether you are macha, PARIA, or KELING, if you are LAZY or stick to your caste lifestyle, don't blame anybody if you become a metaphor for backwardness.


  3. macam surat gm kepada rakyat amerika je yang mintak bantuan dari kerajaan n terima kasih lepas bantuan dari kerajaan...hehe


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