Friday, January 16, 2009

P36 Kuala Terengganu - Kalau CALON XXX itu menang, apa yang akan berlaku?


Tak lama lagi orang Kuala Terengganu akan mengundi.. Tak lama lagi para pengundi Kuala Terengganu akan memilih siapa calon mereka.. Tak lama lagi satu kerusi parlimen akan menjadi rebutan antara BN atau PR.. Siapa yang akan berjaya? Tuhan saja yang akan menentukannya.. Kita kena TERIMA apa saja keputusan yang dibuat oleh pengundi di kawasan terbabit.. Namun apakata kita cuba memperkatakan tentang SENARIO yang akan berlaku sekiranya calon-calon di bawah menang..

Kalau calon BN Datuk Wan Ahmad Farid MENANG

1) PUJIAN melangit sampai langit ke-7 akan diHAMBURkan kepada Pak Lah olehnya.. Sebelum ini pun semasa berKEMPEN keje dia nih dok PUJI Pak Lah aje..

2) Khairy Jamaluddin akan GELAK BESAR kerana bertambah lagi seorang KAWANnya dalam Parlimen dan jadik anggota kabinet pulak tuh? Sedangkan sebelum ini takde sapa pun tahu apa KRITERIA yang dia ada sampai LAYAK jadik Timbalan Menteri?

3) Norza Zakaria, Azeez Rahim dan Reezal Merican boleh le menaruh harapan untuk dipilih jadik calon sekiranya berlaku pilihanraya kecil lagi.. Suara LALAT TAIK dalam UMNO menyokong calon-calon ini akan lebih lantang..

4) Khairy Jamaluddin 'CONFIRM' akan dapat undi perwakilan Kuala Terengganu untuk jawatan Ketua Pemuda semasa pemilihan UMNO pada Mac 2009 nanti..

5) Mungkin SLOGAN 'We have numbers' DS Anwar Ibrahim akan terBANTUT seketika dan kena ganti dengan SLOGAN lain..

6) Pak Lah pulak dengan TAK MALUnya akan berSLOGAN "Rakyat masih SUKAkan saya" atau "Kita masih menang BESAR" seperti mana SLOGAN dia semasa BN diishtiharkan hanya menang 140 Kerusi Parlimen semasa PRU-12..

7) Patrick Badawi akan terSENYUM lebar dan saham Equine Capital akan NAIK balik kerana akan lebih banyak PROJEK merapu ala-ala Monsoon CUP akan dilaksanakan di Terengganu..

Kalau calon PAS Abdul Wahid Endut MENANG

1) DS Hadi Awang akan terSENYUM lebar sampai ke telinga kerana pilihannya menjadi dan suara PAS dalam Pakatan Rakyat akan lebih DOMINAN..

2) Slogan 'We have the NUMBERS' atau 'The Road to Putrajaya' akan terus berKUMANDANG didendangkan oleh Geng ERDOGAN mengalahkan suara azan solat 5 waktu..

3) Kuala Terengganu tak akan ada apa-apa perubahan pasal YB barunya tak payah buat apa-apa pun.. Semuanya jadik tanggung-jawab kerajaan negeri atau Majlis Bandarayanya..

4) Kewibawaan DS Najib menerajui UMNO dan BN sebagai kerajaan selepas Pak Lah bersara akan mula dipertikaikan dan mungkin dibincangkan secara terang-terangan oleh komponen BN sendiri!DS Najib akan jadik 'Kambing Hitam' pemainan POLITIK orang-orang tertentu..

5) Kerusi Parlimen milik BN hanya tinggal 137, UMNO akan hilang satu lagi kerusi dan semakin RANCAKlah parti KOMPONEN BN menyalahkan UMNO sebab kemerosotan undi terhadap parti mereka..

6) Pak Lah akan akan menyalahkan ahli-ahli UMNO sendiri yang KONONnya menSABOTAJ parti dan biasanya DS Najib akan disuruh buat 'post mortem' keKALAHan.. Khairy pulak akan menyalahkan saingannya dalam jawatan Ketua Pemuda KONONnya penyebab UMNO berpecah..

7) Media akan diperalatkan untuk buat kenyataan "Kami dah JANGKA keputusan sebegini" atau "Kami hormati pilihan rakyat" atau "Kami masih menang BESAR" untuk 'COVER" malu..

8) Mungkinkah akan ada PROJEK TERNAKKAN BABI MEGA di Kuala Terengganu pulak? Almaklumlah, nanti akan ada pihak mendakwa KONONnya kemenangan calon PAS atas sebab undi kaum Cina?

Kalau calon BEBAS Azharuddin Mamat menang

1) RAKYAT mungkin kelihatan MATANG dan memahami demokrasi tapi sanggupkah rakyat mengundi sedemikian rupa?

2) Apa yang dia boleh BUAT? Apa yang MAMPU dia BUAT?


Sekali lagi aku TEGASkan faktor CALON sangat mempengaruhi keputusan pilihanraya kali ini bukannya faktor kePARTIan pasal selera orang pantai timur nih lain sikit.. Namun, itu bergantung kepada ISU semasa dan keMANTAPan jentera parti bergerak melakukan KEMPEN.. Walaupun MEDIA kita banyak kali kata pilihanraya ini SENGIT tapi suasana KEMPEN yang berlangsung agak HAMBAR dan kuang menyerlah.. Seolah-olah menandakan yang para pengundi sudah pun baut pilihan dan cuma tunggu masa aje untuk menZAHIRkannya dalam bentuk undi!

Apa pun kita tengok ajelah keputusannya nanti.. Aku sentiasa ingat kata Tun "The winner didn't win all and the loser didn't loose all".. HE!HE!HE!



  1. When Umno says that you have insulted race and religion and that you are a traitor, then wear it as a badge of honour.

    If Umno fascists and supremacists say that you are a traitor to the cause, then you must have done something right and that you are on the right path.

    You should be really worried if Umno starts praising you and putting you on a lofty pedestal, because it means you have turned your back on everything that is positive, rational and just.

  2. "Racial polarisation in the country is not caused by the country's vernacular school system but more by the government political, education and economic discriminative policies." - an educationist said today.

    The prime minister and all the Umno ministers will never admit that polarisation arises more out of the race-based policies and privileges one race gets over another.

    Similarly, there are other areas of our daily lives where terminologies used have made us view certain practices as privileges rather than sacrifices. For instance, the bumi discount for houses.

    The total sale value to the developer is still the same. It is just that the non-malay buyer is likely to be required to pay for some of the discount given to the malays.

    But the longer the NEP policies continue and the greater the vehemence with which Umno politicians issue threats, terminologies will change and more people will talk about these practices or policies in words that may not sound as pleasing to the ears of the beneficiaries.

    Obviously, at that point we shall probably see a new round of discriminations and disagreements. Unfortunately, as long as only weak people take on leadership roles within Umno, threats will continue, NEP policies will be sustained and corruption will prevail.

    That unfortunately is the legacy we have as Malaysians.

    The basic building blocks of unity, whether you are uniting different ethnic groups in a country or trying to re-engineer a corporation of differing cultural values, are the same.

    The principal parties have to be treated as equals - nor special privileges no favours that would favour one group over another.

    Any privilege that is given should be given to all on the same basis - for example, special privilege given to the financially poor regardless of race or ethnic origin.

    It is only on this equitable footing that you can foster true nationalism and build lasting unity, since each component group will have the same stake in the nation and has equal likelihood in reaping the rewards or suffering the consequences.

    My recommendation to the government, not simply as a businessman but also based on pragmatism, is not to waste any more taxpayer ringgit on nationalism programmes until it has established the pre-conditions for its success.

    What is sad is that, after almost five decades of independence, we have been unable in Malaysia, to bring globally vision leaders to the forefront - leaders who can see beyond racial boundaries to recognise the immense sociological and economic potential that can benefit all Malaysians.

  3. Malaysia is a secular state. It was so when we attained independence in 1957 and it is still so, today. To say otherwise, is absolutely nonsensical.

    These problem and confusion were all brought about by none other than our prime minister of 22 years - Dr Mahatir. He is the culprit and if the country suffers in any way as a result of what is taking place today - it is all due to his incompetence and arrogance.

    He was a dictator in his own right and made many questionable decisions that has brought about upheavals amongst the various races. The non-malays cannot accept an Islamic state per se.

    All they want is to be left alone to practice their faith in peace. The Muslims can go about and follow the true teachings of Islam and likewise practice their faith in peace as well. This is all there is to it.

    Why then do they insist on wanting to use the term Islamic state now when they know pretty well that it was not one at the time independence was obtained! Let the status quo remain as it was.

  4. The trouble with some ministers is that they dream instead of actually think. Almost all the ministers in Malaysia like to talk nonsense ever now and then, and this is one of the examples. Ignore him and move on.

    The English language - the education system has been destroyed through the regime of Dr M, and it will take even longer time to regain back the former status.

    University Malaya is churning out a lot of malay graduates majoring in religious studies, moral studies, Islamic studies, etc. These graduates are then given posts in GLCs.

    Like the executive for MAS, an anthropology graduate, and like 90% of all executives in GLCs. No wonder all of them are making losses every year.

    It is really a micros of the NEP policy. As the elite take more and more resources to put up a cosmetic appearance of development and progress, and hence denying effort, resources as well as sending the wrong signal to the average what they need to do who are lulled into complacency and lack of competitiveness.

    It is sad that many people will not go and see the doctors (or other professionals) who graduate from local universities, as there are fears that these doctors are incompetent. Some of these doctors won't even touch you to give you a thorough examination. It is a fact.

    The government would do well to ensure standards are kept high as otherwise it is the public that suffers.

    To build, it takes a long time, sometimes generations. To destroy, it takes overnight.

    At the moment, it seems there are gross lack of planning, effective leadership and management, effective enforcement and implementation, and continuous assessment of the objectives against actual results from time to time.

    The politicians and those who could afford are not sending their children to local universities but oversea universities. That tell us what it is about.

  5. The chronicle of "higher education discussion of affirmative action" in Malaysia - says that it began because "ethnic malays held relatively little economic power" and because of a colonial legacy under which the country "more urbanized Chinese inhabitants tended to prosper".

    In reality, under colonial rule the British provided free education to the malays but the Chinese minority had to provide their own - and the Chinese still completely outperformed the malays, both in educational institutions and in the economy.

    Performance differences are what slippery semantics try to evade, whether in Malaysia or elsewhere, when affirmative action is discussed.

    Again, such semantic gymnastics attempt to evade the obvious: Some groups perform a lot better than others, whether in education or the economy and whether in Malaysia or elsewhere around the world.

    Back in the 1960s, when university admissions were based on academic performance, students from the Chinese minority outnumbered students from the malay majority. When it came to engineering degrees, the Chinese outnumbered the malays 404 to 4.

    While quotas changed the numbers in Malaysia, they could not change the performances.

    After three decades of quotas favoring malays, the government finally acknowledged that the universities were simply not turning out enough people with the high-tech skills that the country needed.

    In both Indonesia and Malaysia, preferences and quotas were intended explicitly to apply to the majority of the population because minorities - notably the Chinese in both countries - were far more successful.

  6. In fact, if you look at all the topics in this board, every topic, every scandal, every issue, every educational ills, can be traced to the break down of the key values. The whole of opposition's work in parliament revolve around these 4 key values.

    I don't blame Pak Lah for the break down of these values. I blame Mahathir for the systematic destruction of those values in his 22 years reign.

    What are these values that I am talking about?

    M eritocracy
    A ccountability
    T ransparency
    I ntegrity

    During TAR, Abdul Razak and Hussein Onn days, these values were still very much alive. But now they are all dead. If these values are not revived soon enough, it will be the death of Malaysia.

    I hope I will not have to see this obituary - the death of Malaysia was due to the death of MATI.


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